Category: Hanga | Create

Speech Marking rubric .

This is my speech rubric that has been marked . My topic was about animal abuse and I felt nervous while presenting my speech to the whole class . I could improve on memorising the speech more and I can try work on maintaining eye contact . My highlight about my speech was getting up there in front of everyone and finishing my speech . and my low light was not reading my whole speech because I was shy . I some how overcame my nerves and finished my speech without stopping for a long period of time .



  • Narrator: Nate
  • Hitchhiker: toran



The Narrator enters the shop, looking around excitedly. The Hitchhiker is already there, holding an old pocket watch.


Hitchhiker: Toran

In miami  (Cowboy Music) we went to the movie, the hitchhiker stole some sweets and Popcorn and and both of them ran into the movie.

Hitchhiker: I need to go to the loo

Narrator: Okay, be fast !

But the hitchhiker went to steal money for the cash register and he comes bake with a 1000$

Narrator: where did you get that money 

Hitchhiker: in the loo where did you think I got it

Narrator: are you sure that you got it for the loo 

Hitchhiker: of course I did just watch the movie.                      

Narrator: Okay, I believe you !   

The end     

Task description : this story is based on 2 characters that have worked together to do some criminal activities . This week we have been learning about the Book ” the hitch-hiker ” By Roald dahl . we have also been learning to identify and analysing character traits . One of these characters are likeable and humble of what they do during they’re criminal activity .  he also likes to be sneaky while doing the criminal activities